Located in historic Ybor City, Ybor City Coffee and Tea brings locally roasted craft coffee, hand-blended teas, house-made eats, and local beer together to create a welcoming, community-centric cafe.

Latte art in Tampa Florida

Our coffee is hand-picked from ethical farms across the world and locally roasted to bring you the best, most authentic coffee we can find

At Ybor City Coffee and Tea Co., we believe that good coffee can bring people together, fostering a sense of connection and community.

Learn more about our story.

Tea at Ybor City Coffee and Tea Co

Our tea is hand-blended by locally based Regalitea, providing the highest quality tea blends with passion and integrity.

“I believe tea is the way to warm the soul & create everlasting relationships. A cup of tea can soothe any soul.”
-Dylan Chadwell, Regalitea

The Bunker Building
1907 N 19th St
Tampa, FL 33605


